sensibility|sensibilities in English


[sen·si·bil·i·ty || ‚sensə'bɪlətɪ]

ability to perceive, ability to sense; perceptiveness, keenness of perception; sensitivity, capacity for emotional response; appreciation, capacity of refined distinctio

Use "sensibility|sensibilities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sensibility|sensibilities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sensibility|sensibilities", or refer to the context using the word "sensibility|sensibilities" in the English Dictionary.

1. The challenge offended their sensibilities.

2. The article offended her religious sensibilities.

3. I'll get to apply my artistic sensibilities.

4. It shaped our people's sensibility in their teens.

5. Trust your own palate and your own sensibility.

6. Architectonics can substantially develop one’s creative sensibility

7. He revealed also the most unexpected sensibility.

8. Hargreaves was a rich amalgam of natural gifts and sensibilities.

9. A person of Blunt sensibility obtuse implies such Bluntness …

10. No one with sensibility would buy the book.

11. A short stubby hand argues a lack of sensibility.

12. Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.

13. Baresthesia: [ bar″es-the´zhah ] sensibility for weight or pressure.

14. She accomplished this through combining sensibilities of both Action painting and Pop art.

15. Cubicle dwellers need to be mindful of other people’s smell sensibilities and possible allergies

16. Oldknow the man of romantic sensibility came to the fore.

17. You should marry intellect with sensibility in dealing with it.

18. 2 Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.

19. Sensibility of the areola was decreased in 12 patients after the operation.

20. In a multicultural society we need to show respect for the sensibilities of others.

21. Adoptionist Christology would not necessarily be deemed incommensurate with Judaism nor provoke the Jewish sensibilities

22. But their work represented an incomplete commitment to the new sensibility.

23. We mixed elements from classic arcade games with modern sensibilities to bring you Breakpoint

24. Combine your Artistic skill with ambition, generosity, persistence, hard work and business sensibility

25. A congruence of 90% and an equal sensibility of the assays resulted.